Apr 14, 2015

Phantom Child at an old farm house of Kiyose city 2010

Hi, everyone! Check out my video!

She is my daughter.

Title: Phantom child
at an old farm house of Kiyose city
Japanese traditional style farm house.

This is one of the Japanese traditional style farm house is in Shitajuku, Kiyose city, Tokyo, Japan.
It is belonging to the Morita Family and the Historical Cultural heritage there.

There are many straight lines inside of the house. Therefore it is very difficult to keep horizontal axis. As it is very old the pillars and beams are warped.
My spirit level on camera is totally unreliable.
I respect Yasujiro Ozu, the genius Director of the indoor movie.
From this shooting I understand his feeling of the well known director, Wim Wenders why he loved Yasujiro Ozu.
I wanted to make it like a work of the director Andrei Tarkovsky as for these two long take of the beginning of the movie.

I am influenced by Tarkovsky, Parajanov, Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu.

Shot on a Lumix GF1 20mm F1.7 pancake lens
with wide converter attachment Nikon NH-WM75
with Circular Polarized Light Filter.

Edited by iMovie'09 and Javie 0.3.10
vignette effect, glow effect, romantic effect (soft focus)
color adjustment and so on.

Music by Yusuke Tsutsumi
"100 Days After Her Death", New Album "Of Her"